Beaverton Clinic: Marching into Washington County

NCNM’s newest clinic in Beaverton not only expands the college’s footprint outside of Portland for the first time, it is also a much needed resource for low-cost healthcare services for uninsured, underserved and other patients seeking natural medicine. Also, with many Latino clients in the mix, the clinic allows the college’s bilingual staff and licensed medical practitioners to see patients in a fully appointed medical facility.

The 1,760 square-foot clinic offers naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine from licensed primary care physicians at rates well below the market average. Adjacent to Beaverton’s Social Security Administration office, the clinic is credentialed by OHP Open Card and CareOregon, as well as several commercial insurance carriers.

The clinic seems to be catching on. Lori Knowles, community clinics manager, said the clinic has logged 100 new patients since opening July 1, 2014, and is seeing steady growth every month. For instance, the clinic, which previously was housed at the Elsie Stuhr Center, saw patient totals climb from 840 in 2013 to 1,014 in 2014 with just four months of operation. In addition, ND shifts have grown from five per week to eight per week, along with an acupuncture shift. The latter is consistently booked a month or more in advance. Monthly open houses/lectures have become standing room only.

“The Beaverton Clinic is really gaining momentum,” said Knowles, so much so that NCNM is discussing the feasibility of a future clinic on Portland’s east side.