About NUNM

Contact NUNM

National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM)

49 South Porter Street
Portland, OR 97201

Phone: 503-552-1555

For information about becoming a student, contact NUNM Admissions.

For all other information, e-mail reception.

NUNM Administration Building (mail is not deliverable to this address)
2828 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201

NUNM Health Centers

3025 South Corbett Avenue
Portland, OR 97201

Phone: 503-552-1551
Fax: 503-226-8133

Email the Health Centers

Helfgott Research Institute

2220 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97201

Phone: 503.552.1751
Fax: 503.227.3750

Email Helfgott

Campus Security

Security cell phone: 503-830-3613
Email Campus Security

Phone & Email Directory

Administrative Departments

Information Technology (IT)503-552-1585
Alumni Relations503-552-1512Library503-552-1542
A/V & Instructional Technology503-552-1546Marketing503-552-1513
Career Development503-552-1625Naturopathic Medicine Residency Program503-552-1844
College of Classical Chinese Medicine503-552-1721 NUNM Health Centers503-552-1551
College of Naturopathic Medicine503-552-.1696Office of President503-552-1702
Continuing Education503-552-2005
Advancement andCommunity Engagement503-552-1512Registrar503-552-1603
Facilities503-552-2014School of Graduate Studies503-552-1814
Finance503-552-2007School of Undergraduate Studies503-552-1814
Financial Aid503-552-1616Security503-552-2016
Helfgott Research Institute503-552-1751Student Government Association
Human Resources503-552-2001Student Life503-552-1601
Institutional Effectiveness503-552-1693Web Development503-552-1517
Executive Staff
NameTitlePhone Number
Carrie Baldwin-Sayre, ND '04AVP of Advancement and Community Engagement503.552.1512
Gerald Bores, MBAExecutive Vice President of Finance & Administration | CFO
Dee Saunders, ND, MSAVP of Clinic Education and Administration
Iris Sobottke, MA, NCCChief of Staff and Community Relations552.552.1803
Kathy Stanford, PHRVice President of Human Resources503.552.2009
College of Naturopathic Medicine
NameTitlePhone Number
Kelly Baltazar, ND, DC, MSDean, College of Naturopathic Medicine503.552.1795
Dee Saunders, ND, MSAVP of Clinic Education and Administration
College of Classical Chinese Medicine
NameTitlePhone Number
Andy McIntyre, LAcDean, College of Classical Chinese Medicine503.552.1775
School of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
NameTitlePhone Number
Andrew Erlandsen, NDDean, School of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Assistant Research Investigator503.552.1794
Academic & Administration
NameTitlePhone Number
Mike HaleChief of Security
Justin Fowler, EdDDirector of Instructional Design & Technology503.552.1517
Dave McAllisterDirector of Facilities503.552.2014
Christina KingUniversity Librarian