4 Natural Medicine Tips for Spring

At NUNM, we believe in the healing power of nature to boost our immune systems, help us fight off allergies and transition from one season to another. Our graduates learn different naturopathic modalities to help their patients to thrive. Join Josh Corn, ND, MS, as he discusses 4 tips for this spring season.

Spring in the Pacific Northwest is one of the most wonderful times of the year. The boundless energy of blossoming flowers, budding trees, and gentle rain showers help our bodies wake up after a long, gray winter. Support your body through the seasonal transition with spring health tips from naturopathic medicine.

Plant growing

Four Natural Health Tips for Spring

  1. Eat seasonally: fresh produce starts rolling into farmer’s markets and grocery stores in a few weeks. Choose spring greens like arugula, spinach, and mustard greens. All are chock full of vitamins, and their bitter taste helps support healthy digestion.
  2. Detox your liver. Spring is a great time to shake off the heaviness of winter. Supporting our natural detoxification pathways in the liver with medicinal foods is a great way to start the season. The liver loves roots so incorporating burdock, dandelion, carrot, or beet root into your diet will help support healthy liver function. These medicinal foods are easy to incorporate into your diet by roasting them, pureeing them, or using them in salads.
  3. Avoid spring allergies. Allergies can be a downer for some people this time of year. Keeping your floors swept, pillowcases clean, and using air filters can help decrease exposure to pollen. Naturopathic medicine has a ton of great ways to treat allergies from butterbur to quercetin to nettles. These supplements are available in a variety of forms including capsules and teas. It is best to work with a naturopathic doctor to determine which supplements are best for you.
  4. Get in the garden! Gardening is an easy, accessible way to get into nature and get some exercise. There is emerging research that some microbes in dirt may help improve mood, so digging in the dirt may make you happier while all those homegrown veggies make you healthier.

Interested in learning more about naturopathic medicine, nature cures and herbs? Request more information about NUNM’s ND program.