FAMI Highlighted in Podcast

cook tossing brussels sprouts and carrots into a pan

America’s Healthcare Advocate Show, a syndicated radio talk show, recently did a broadcast on heart health. The second half of the episode interviewed Dr. Tracy Stevens of Saint Luke’s Health System, the first affiliate organization of NUNM’s Food As Medicine Institute Alliance program.

During Dr. Stevens’ interview, she discussed the Food as Medicine Everyday book, as well as simple strategies for heart health. These strategies all start with taking ownership over our own food choices. What did Dr. Stevens suggest as a good start?

  • Read the ingredient lists on packaged food.
  • Ensure half of your plate is vegetables.
  • Challenge what you’re eating and be willing to experiment with new foods.
  • Care about the food you eat.

To hear more from Dr. Stevens’ about the importance of real food and the Food as Medicine Everyday book, listen to the full podcast here, with Dr. Stevens’ interview starting at 21:00.