Kate Stoddard, 2017 grad, partnered with Boise restaurant to launch four new cricket salts.

We’ve been following the story of Kate Stoddard since she graduated with a Master of Science in Nutrition in 2017. Since creating a line of protein-packed cricket seasonings called Orchestra Provisions, she won a competition for her startup in 2019, and now launched her spices at a Boise burger chain. Boise Fry Co. offers customers a choice of salt mixtures for their fries, including Orchestra Provisions’ cricket seasoning salt.
Idaho Statesman goes into depth about customers’ reactions to the new cricket salt, the history of Kate’s nutrition education and product line, and the details of the four new flavors of seasonings Boise Fry Co. now offers.
“It’s a great introduction for people,” Kate told the Statesman. “My product line is all about a baby steps approach to normalizing the practice of eating bugs.” Read the story here.
Congrats, Kate! We’re excited to see what you do next!