Affirming Our Commitment to Safety, Equity, and Inclusion

Dear NUNM Community,

At NUNM, we reaffirm our unwavering support for our LGBTQ2SIA+ students, faculty, staff, and patients, as well as for our international community members, including both documented and undocumented individuals. 

Recent national conversations surrounding gender, identity, and immigration have underscored the importance of fostering spaces where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued. Guided by the principles of equity, inclusion, belonging, and access, we are committed to fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all—both on our campus and in the communities we serve. These values are deeply embedded in our  Strategic Plan (FFA 4)Community Agreements, and Discrimination & Harassment Policy

If you or someone you know needs support, our community resources remain available. As we have more information, we’ll provide additional resources and advocacy. 

Most importantly, please don’t hesitate to reach out:

  • Dr. Kehinde Olowoyeye, Director of Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility ( was on campus in person last week and will be on campus permanently starting in February. Until that time, she is available virtually.  
  • Rachael Allen (, Dean of Students: Available is in person or virtually.
  • For students needing additional support, WellConnect offers 24/7 access to counseling services, including a crisis line and live chat options: 
    • WellConnect Student Support Line: 866-640-4777 
    • WellConnect Live Chat: WellConnect Student Services  (Please check your email for code.) 
  • For employees seeking assistance, Canopy, our Employee Assistance Plan provider, is available free of charge and offers 24/7 confidential support. You can contact Canopy EAP counselors by calling 800-433-2320, texting 503-850-7721, or visiting Canopy Well

Our commitment to supporting each member of our community remains strong. Thank you for being part of a community that exemplifies our shared values of care and inclusivity.


Dr. Melanie Henriksen
President and CEO