Heather Zwickey, PhD

Provost & VP of Research & Academic Excellence | Professor
  • Focus: Immunology, Autoimmunity, Nutrition
  • Education:
    • PhD, University of Colorado, 1998
    • Post-doctoral Fellowship, Yale University, 2002

Heather Zwickey earned a Ph.D. in Immunology and Microbiology from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center with a focus on infectious disease and vaccine development. Dr. Zwickey went on to complete a postdoctoral fellowship and teach at Yale University School of Medicine where she worked on immunotherapy for cancer.

She was then recruited to the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR, where she launched the Helfgott Research Institute and served as its director for 17 years.  In 2009, Dr. Zwickey established the School of Graduate Studies, developing programs in integrative medicine research, nutrition, and global health among others. As the founding dean of the graduate school, she continues to teach many courses.

Dr. Zwickey currently co-leads an NIH funded clinical research training program focused on training the next generation of integrative medicine researchers. She teaches at many universities and speaks at conferences world-wide. At Helfgott Research Institute, Dr. Zwickey applies her immunology expertise to natural medicine, with specific interest in the gut-brain axis in neuroinflammation.

With expertise in infectious disease and vaccine development, Dr. Zwickey has been sought out for her knowledge regarding COVID-19. She’s spoken on more than 50 podcasts, written articles, and been a resource for people with tough questions.


  • Gut Microbiome
  • Autoimmunity
  • Nutritional Immunology
  • Nutrition Career Development (elective)
  • Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
  • Microbiology, Immunology, and Public Health
  • Foundations of Integrative Medicine Research Series
  • Evidenced Based Medicine
  • Global Health Discussion Series
  • Professional Development
  • Journal Club