Christie Fleetwood, ND, RPh

Adjunct Faculty
  • Focus: Naturopathic Philosophy, Pharmacy Issues
  • Education:
    • Bastyr University, ND, 2004
    • BS, Pharmacy, Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, 1988

Christie Fleetwood, ND, RPh, earned a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University,in 1988. After practicing as a retail pharmacist in the greater Richmond area for a decade, she attended Bastyr University, earning a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2004. Because of her unique education and training, she is considered “medically bilingual”—able to understand both conventional medicine as well as natural forms of healing.

Dr. Fleetwood is adjunct faculty at both Bastyr University and National University of Natural Medicine, teaching pharmacy/pharmacology and naturopathic philosophy.



  • Pharmacy for the Clinical Provider