The National University of Natural Medicine is located near downtown Portland, Oregon. The entire city is a foodie’s delight — with more restaurants and food carts than you’ll be able to visit in a lifetime. Whether you are an omnivore, devouring everything in sight, or you have a restricted diet, you’ll find plenty of places to eat around town.
NUNM Store
We’ve got healthy snacks (e.g., gluten-free, dairy-free), fresh sushi, humus wraps, kombucha, and other drinks, as well as a basic selection of personal care items. We also sell all kinds of t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, coffee mugs and more items bearing the NUNM branding.
Hours & Location:
9 AM – 5 PM
located on the first floor of the Academic Building
Food Carts
Just a short walk from campus is the Food Cart Pod at Portland State University on SW 4th between Hall and College Street with more than a dozen carts serving various cuisines.
Find more food carts in Portland.

Farmer’s Markets & Co-ops
We’re in the land of farmer’s markets – whether you live in downtown Portland or in one of Portland suburbs, you’ll find a farmer’s market near you. Here are just a few options:
Portland Farmer’s Market has been working over twenty years to bring fresh produce to the Portland community. They have six different locations throughout Portland, all setting up shop spring through fall (exact dates vary—check the website for details).
The People’s Co-op Farmer’s Market runs year round—currently on Wednesdays from 2 – 7 PM. They’re located at 3029 SE 21st Avenue, one block from Powell; meaning they are just a short distance from campus (on the other side of the Ross Island Bridge).
Food Front is a cooperative grocery store that actively seeks out local producers and suppliers for their two stores.
Alberta Co-op Grocery is a community owned cooperative on NE Alberta Street.
Portland also has plenty of other co-ops around town. For a directory of co-ops in Oregon visit
So whether you’re looking to support a local coop or to purchase directly from a farmer’s market — Portland has many options. If you are looking for a market outside of the city limits you could check out the Oregon Farmer’s Markets Association. They have a list of market’s across the entire state — Central, Coast, Willamette Valley, Portland Metro and more.