Carlo Calabrese, ND, MPHSenior Research Investigator
Dr. Calabrese is an Senior Research Investigator in the Helfgott Research Institute. He is currently most interested in observational study of naturopathic medical outcomes as he believes that the current clinical practice of complementary and integrative medicine is an essential laboratory of health care improvement. Dr. Calabrese received his ND degree from NCNM in 1983 and his MPH in Health Services in 1992 from the University of Washington. His career has been oriented towards developing research infrastructure in the naturopathic profession. He co-founded the Bastyr University Research Institute, was an author of the first NIH grant to a naturopathic institution, sparked the creation of the first basic science laboratory and first clinical research facility at a CIH institution, and served on the NCCIH Advisory Council. He was the founding Director of the Naturopathic Physicians Research Institute. His present research work is towards studies in infectious disease prevention, gastroenterology and whole health strategies while his personal clinical interest is in psychological medicine.