Fred Stevens, PharmD, PhDAffiliate Research Investigator
Dr. Jan Frederik (‘Fred’) Stevens is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy and Associate Director for Research in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Dr. Stevens has authored more than 130 articles in peer-review journals. He received five awards for excellence in teaching at the OSU College of Pharmacy. He holds a guest professorship at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. His research aims to determine the role and function of vitamin C and dietary phytochemicals in human health and disease. More than 80 postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students, visiting scholars, and foreign exchange students received research training in the Stevens Laboratory. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics is a major research tool in his laboratory for the discovery of biological effects of vitamins and phytochemicals in cultured cells, animal models of disease, and in humans.