A deep appreciation: NUNM student honors tradition, journey of naturopathic doctors

Third-year ND student Stacy Rempel featured speaker for annual White Coat Ceremony. 

Anastasia “Stacy” Rempel, Student Speaker for the White Coat Ceremony at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) on September 13, said natural medicine had been in her family for as long as she could remember.  

Growing up as a child of Slavic immigrants, Rempel said her mother would craft homemade cough syrups and tinctures whenever she was feeling sick. When she didn’t have a certain ingredient for her recipe, she would reach out to another community member, as if to borrow sugar from a neighbor. 

“This instilled a love and deep appreciation for the medicine and knowledge that my community carried,” said Rempel, a third-year Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine student at NUNM.  

Rempel, who is also president of NUNM’s Student Government Association, was 6 years old when she announced her goal of becoming a medical doctor. Years later, when she discovered what being an MD might look like, she questioned whether it was really the right fit and slowly backed away from that dream.   

It wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic hit that Rempel decided to embark on a soul-searching journey to once again explore her pull towards medicine. That inner drive to provide quality care to others still existed, but perhaps she had just been looking at it from the wrong angle.  

“The moment I learned about naturopathic medicine and NUNM,” she said, “I was absolutely certain that this was what I would be doing for the rest of my life.”  

As Rempel prepared her speech for NUNM’s 2024 White Coat Ceremony, she reflected on her initial passion for natural medicine and what she had planned for her future career as an ND:

“Receiving the white coat marked the moment that I truly knew I’d be a physician at the end of the four years.”

— Stacy Rempel, ND student

How does it feel to be chosen as the Student Speaker?

Being invited to speak at the White Coat Ceremony is an honor. I remember sitting in Mitchell Hall my first year of the program, surrounded by my classmates (who I had yet to learn the names of) and doctors who had sat in those same seats years prior. It was in this ceremony that all the things I’d been dreaming of came true.  

What does the ‘white coat’ mean to you? 

Receiving the white coat marked the moment that I truly knew I’d be a physician at the end of the four years. The white coat represents the weight of responsibility of caring for others and joining the long history of physicians that have gone before us. Every White Coat Ceremony is special because it marks the beginning of the journey for each cohort. Being able to come alongside the incoming class is a gift. I am excited to see many others that are choosing to pursue naturopathic medicine and joining the wonderful NUNM community.  

What message would you like to impart to others?  

Embarking on this journey of attending naturopathic medical school is a big step and one that can lead to so many beautiful experiences. I invite you to enter with curiosity leading the way, knowing that there are so many people cheering you on—they are the ones you can lean on in tough moments and they will be the first to celebrate your wins.  

What career plans do you have on the horizon? 

As I look ahead to the future and my new career, I’m excited to join so many other physicians that have paved the way before me and continue to grow this profession. My passion lies in helping families make the best, most informed decisions for their kids, and providing a safe place for them to ask questions and provide support to help them navigate all the seasons of their life. Although I can’t know for sure how my career will pan out, I do know I will be doing what I love, which is providing healthcare and education to others.  

— Ashley Villarreal, Marketing Content Specialist