Naturopathic medicine is involved in “getting the body to heal itself by using the body’s own self-recuperative power,” Milner said.
“We’re trained in natural therapeutics, diet, exercise, stress management, mental health, dietary supplements, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine and prescription drug management,” Milner pointed out, adding the goal is to use natural therapeutics, as much as possible, in conjunction with conventional medications.
Dr. Tom Messinger, who is a licensed naturopathic doctor at Portland Natural Medicine, said, “In Oregon, naturopathic doctors are licensed as primary care physicians and we’re trained as such. We can do all the conventional tests (including labs, ultrasounds and MRIs) a person would get from their primary care physician. We do a lot of diagnostic workup.”
Read the full story with NCNM Professor, Marty Milner, ND (‘83), and alumnus Tom Messinger, ND (’10), in “Naturopathics mix traditional, modern treatments.”