About the Book
Food As Medicine Everyday: Reclaim Your Health With Whole Foods
by Julie Briley, ND and Courtney Jackson, ND

“Food as medicine” has been a powerful approach to health and healing, intimately woven into naturopathic medical education for over a century. The book, Food as Medicine Everyday: Reclaim Your Health with Whole Foods, is highly accessible, exquisitely researched and beautifully written and illustrated.
Dr. Jackson and Dr. Briley remind us that poor dietary choices are a major element in the expanding issues related to chronic disease. They also remind us that food is medicine, and a big part of the solution. A rapidly growing number of people determined to improve their health can take heart—medicine never tasted better!
About NUNM Press
As National University of Natural Medicine transforms, there arises the need for a university press to capture the broad front of new knowledge about natural medicine and planetary sustainability being sought by an increasingly eager, inter-professional audience of scholars, teachers, students and patients. We created NUNM Press to provide a voice and channel for those writers and readers.
NUNM Press aspires to be the most reliable source of medical literature, scholarship and research related to natural medicine and holistic health systems in the world. The Press has already begun encouraging and modeling publication and inquiry on a remarkable medley of important topics related to physical, mental, spiritual and planetary health. The Press is introducing an exciting, new dimension of scholarship and education from NUNM as we begin our sixtieth year!
NUNM is a medical university first and foremost. We publish distinctive titles that enrich the history, clinical practice and contemporary significance of the natural medicine traditions. But NUNM Press is also committed to producing literature that speaks to the invaluable goal of protecting the health of our planet, a mission as much about the plants, animals and living organisms that share our biosphere and provide our sustenance as it is about the well-being of the people.
Take a few moments to check out the first publications from NUNM Press. Our Press is earning a reputation as the go-to source for knowledge about the historical and contemporary best practices in environmental, global health, nutrition research—and much more.
A whole new way of seeing the world is just inside those pages.