OCOM-NUNM Students

From the SGA

To the newest members of NUNM:  

The Student Government Association (SGA) is excited to welcome you into the NUNM community! As our academic year begins, we are thrilled to learn more about you and to see the amazing ways you will participate in our shared culture.

Your SGA is committed to empowering student voices for the improvement of our co-created institution. The students of SGA use diversity and equity as a primary lens to understand our relationships with each other and our larger communities.  At the same time, we engage in shared governance practices to produce action and organic change, ensuring that student voices are represented on institutional committees.

For those of you who are interested in joining our team on the Student Government Association, nominations will open the second week of fall quarter, and elections will be during week three. More information will be sent to your student email address. Please consider joining us and helping to make NUNM a school where diversity, equity, and wellness connect our journeys in the art and science of natural medicine.

In solidarity,

Your Student Government Association