
Curriculum – Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine

The Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) program at the National University of Natural Medicine offers a comprehensive curriculum that prepares you for a rewarding career as a naturopathic physician. Our updated ND program provides more than 4,400 hours of total instruction, including 1,200 hours of hands-on clinical training. 

Cultural humility, ethics, and evidence-based decision-making are emphasized throughout the curriculum, fostering a whole-person approach. Numerous courses incorporate lectures, laboratories, and small-group tutorials, providing students with the chance to immerse themselves in their medical studies and interact closely with faculty and fellow students. Elective credits can be chosen from various departments to enrich the educational experience, and dual degree options are available.  

2025-26 ND Curriculum

Below is the 2025-26 curriculum for the four-year Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine program. For the current curriculum and course descriptions, visit the Course Catalog.

Year 1, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
BS510Medical Physiology I605
BS511Clinical Biochemistry I484
BS512Clinical Anatomy I242
BS512LClinical Anatomy I Lab: Integrative Anatomy of Movement and Circulation120.5
BS513LCase-Based Biomedical Integration I242
PH510Naturopathic History & Philosophy I121
TH510TFundamentals of Hydrotherapy242
TH507Fundamentals of Nutrition484
BS515LMedical Histology Lab120.5
CE516Evidence Informed Practice Seminar60.5
CE510Clinic Education I: Building a Scaffolding for Clinical Reasoning and the Approach to Patient Care60.5
CE510TClinic Education I Tutorial: Building a Scaffolding for Clinical Reasoning and the Approach to Patient Care181.5
BAS513LAdvanced Surface Anatomy I Lab: Foundations of Surface Anatomy120.5
Year 1, Fall – Totals30624

Year 1, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
BS520Medical Physiology II605
BS521Clinical Biochemistry II484
BS222Clinical Anatomy II – Pathways of Digestion, Respiration, and Defense242
BS522LClinical Anatomy II Lab – Pathways of Digestion, Respiration, and Defense120.5
BS524TCase-Based Biomedical Integration II242
PH520Naturopathic History & Philosophy II121
PH522Social Determinants of Health242
CS520Fundamentals of Pharmacology242
TH520Introduction to Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics242
TH520TIntroduction to Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics Tutorial90.75
TH521Physical Medicine Fundamentals121
CE520Clinic Education II302.5
BS523LAdvanced Surface Anatomy II Lab: Applied Palpation Techniques120.5
CE500Hydrotherapy Clinical Rotation*00
Year 2, Winter – Totals31525.25

Year 1, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
BS530Medical Physiology III605
BS531Clinical Anatomy III – Mastering the Anatomy of Control and Reproduction242
BS531LClinical Anatomy III Lab – Mastering the Anatomy of Control and Reproduction120.5
BS532Pathological Foundations484
BAS534TCase-Based Biomedical Integration III242
PH530Naturopathic Medicine Retreat181.5
BS536Fundamentals of Botanical Medicine242
BS536TFundamentals of Botanical Medicine Tutorial181.5
CE530Clinic Education III242
BS533LAdvanced Surface Anatomy III Lab120.5
CE531Intro to Clinic Synthesis120.5
Year 1, Spring – Totals32425.5
Year 1 – Totals100577.25

Year 2, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CS610Diagnostic Imaging242
BM611Botanical Medicine I181.5
TH610Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics I151.25
CS612Pharmacology I151.25
CS613Clinical Nutrition I181.5
BM614Healthcare Horizons Seminar Series I60.5
CS615Clinical Reasoning I201.67
CS616TMusculoskeletal: Orthopedic Evaluation242
CS617Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology363
CS617TRheumatology and Clinical Immunology Tutorial242
CS618Natural Childbirth I363
CS619Lab Diagnosis181.5
CS619LLab Diagnosis Lab241
CE600Clinic Observation Clerkship100.42
CE500Hydrotherapy Clinical Rotation00
Year 2, Fall – Totals34827.58

Year 2, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CS621Gastroenterology and Proctology484
CS621TGastroenterology and Proctology Tutorial242
CS621LGastroenterology and Proctology Lab60.25
CS625TDermatology Tutorial181.5
CS627Minor Surgery242
CS627TMinor Surgery Lab181.5
BM624Botanical Medicine II181.5
PH610Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics II151.25
CS622Pharmacology II151.25
CS623Clinical Nutrition II181.5
CS626TClinical Reasoning II201.67
CS629LPhysical Medicine Lab I482
CE628Clinic Synthesis I120.5
CE600Clinic Observation Clerkship100.42
BM621Social Determinants of Health Workshop #160.5
Year 2, Winter – Totals33624.83

Year 2, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CS636Cardiology and Pulmonology665.5
CS636TCardiology and Pulmonology Tutorial242
CS636LCardiology and Pulmonology Lab120.5
CS633Metabolic and Endocrine484
CS633TMetabolic and Endocrine Tutorial242
BM633Botanical Medicine III181.5
PH630Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics III151.25
CS632Pharmacology III151.25
CS634Clinical Nutrition III181.5
BM634Healthcare Horizons Seminar Series II60.5
CS635TClinical Reasoning III201.67
CS639LPhysical Medicine Lab II120.5
CS639TPhysical Medicine Tutorial242
CS637TMSK Tutorial242
CE600Clinic Observation Clerkship100.42
CE500Hydrotherapy Clinical Rotation00
CLE499NPLEX I Biomedical Sciences Review Course00
Year 2, Spring – Totals33626.58
Year 2 – Totals102079

Year 3, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CS710Gynecology and Andrology605
CS710TGynecology and Andrology Tutorial242
CS710LGynecology and Andrology Lab241
CS715Urology and Nephrology484
CS715TUrology and Nephrology Tutorial242
CS712Oncology Lecture242
CS712TOncology Tutorial121
CE728Clinic Synthesis II120.5
BM714Healthcare Horizons Seminar Series III60.5
CS716TClinical Reasoning IV201.67
BM713Botanical Medicine IV181.5
PH710Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics IV151.25
CS713Pharmacology IV151.25
CS714Clinical Nutrition IV181.5
CLE7300Secondary Intern Rotation602.5
Year 3, Fall – Totals39228.67

Year 3, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CS720Mind, Brain, and Behavior363
CS720TMind, Brain, and Behavior Tutorial242
CS723Addiction Medicine121
CS725Pain Management242
CS726TNeurology Tutorial242
CS726LNeurology Lab60.25
BM720Business I242
CS725TClinical Reasoning V201.67
BM723Botanical Medicine V181.5
PH720Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics V151.25
CS722Pharmacology V151.25
CS724Clinical Nutrition V181.5
CLE7300Secondary Intern Rotation602.5
Year 3, Winter – Totals35626.92

Year 3, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CS731THEENT Tutorial242
CS733TPediatrics Tutorial161.33
CS735TGeriatrics Tutorial80.67
CS736Environmental Medicine242
CS736TEnvironmental Medicine Tutorial121
CS737Parenteral Therapy242
BM734Social Determinants of Health Workshop #260.5
CS738TClinical Reasoning VI201.67
BM733Botanical Medicine VI181.5
PH730Foundational Naturopathic Therapeutics VI151.25
CS732Pharmacology VI151.25
CS734Clinical Nutrition VI181.5
CLE7300Secondary Intern Rotation602.5
Year 3, Spring – Totals34426.17
Year 3 – Totals109281.75

Year 4, Summer

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CLE8400Primary Intern Rotations1807.5
CS800Emergency Medicine121
Year 4, Summer – Totals39613.5

Year 4, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CE811Grand Rounds I151.25
CE818Clinic Synthesis III120.5
CLE8400Primary Intern Rotations1807.5
BM716Holism in Practice I151.25
BM715Business II242
CE812Case Integration Mentorship I151.25
Year 4, Fall – Totals29716.75

Year 4, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CE822Grand Rounds II151.25
CLE8400Primary Intern Rotations1807.5
BM724Holism in Practice II151.25
CE823Case Integration Mentorship II151.25
BM725Business III181.5
Year 4, Winter – Totals29116.75

Year 4, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CE832Grand Rounds III151.25
CLE8400Primary Intern Rotations24010
BM734Holism in Practice III151.25
CE833Case Integration Mentorship III151.25
Year 4, Spring – Totals32116.75
Year 4 – Totals130563.75
^ These hours are cumulative and may be earned in a term other than the term registered.
* Electives can be taken during any term