
Can Yoga Nidra Help Depression?

Researchers at National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) are offering free access to a simple guided meditation, called Yoga Nidra. 

They are evaluating the feasibility of delivering a weekly online Yoga Nidra practice, and if this practice can improve self-reported mild to moderate depression.

Participation involves completing ~5 minutes of surveys before and after a 30-minute weekly online Yoga Nidra practice for six weeks. Yoga Nidra is practiced while lying down or resting comfortably; it does not include any postures or special equipment. All surveys are confidential and used only for research purposes. 

Please click here to determine your eligibility for this study.

Your participation is appreciated!

Title of Study: Digital Delivery of Yoga Nidra for Depression: A Feasibility Study

Principal Investigator: Erica Sharpe, PhD

IRB #: ES33021

Approval Date: 3/30/21