
Low-Income Group Psilocybin Assisted Therapy for Depression

In collaborating with the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) we are assessing the feasibility of conducting clinical research to treat depression in low-income adults in groups within the Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) model. After reading below, if it appears that you are eligible and would like to proceed, you can schedule a screening visit. After that visit we will make a determination of your eligibility. You may also apply for the Psilocybin Access Fund regardless of your eligibility for this study.

About the Study

The study has been approved by NUNM’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) for ethical and safety oversight. The study is supported and funded by the Sheri Eckert Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit. There will be no cost to participants who will be offered a $200 Visa gift card at the completion of the follow-up visit. 

We anticipate enrolling 24 participants in total who will be placed in four groups of six. This is an uncontrolled study with all enrolled participants receiving the treatment. After an initial screening, participants will undergo a thorough, individual intake visit that requires a release of information with a provider with whom they have been diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder and/or are receiving psychotherapy from. 

If enrolled, they will then join their cohort of six for two 90-minute preparation sessions on Zoom before two psilocybin administration sessions at a licensed psilocybin service center located in Northwest Portland, Oregon. These four visits will be separated by one week from each other. Within three days of both administration sessions the group will meet on Zoom for a 90-minute integration session. A follow-up visit three months later will be conducted on Zoom.

Screening and follow-up will be conducted by Dr. Hicks (male), all other visits will be co-facilitated by both Dr. Hicks and Dr. Olivia Giguere (female), both of whom are dual licensed naturopathic doctors and psilocybin facilitators in the state of Oregon.

​To learn more about this study, contact Dr. Matthew Hicks.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

To be eligible for this study you must be able to answer “Yes” to these eight questions: 

  1. Are you an Oregon resident? 
  2. Are you 21 or older? 
  3. Is your annual income 200% or below the Federal Poverty Line? 
    1. This is the criteria for Oregon Medicaid (OHP)
    2. See table to the right for reference
  4. Have you been diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder?
  5. Are you currently engaged with psychotherapy? 
    1. We are defining this as no less than six therapy sessions in the previous six months and an intention to continue seeing your therapist no less than once every two weeks during the study period. This is to ensure participants have adequate psychological support during the study period. Participants must be willing to sign a release of information allowing study clinicians to communicate with their therapists.
  6. Do you currently have at least six months of stable housing history?
  7. Are you able to attend all study events?
    1. If working, are you able to take time off for all study events?
    2. Are you able to meet on Zoom with a reliable device and internet connection?
    3. Are you able to secure transportation to the screening visit at Helfgott and the administration sessions at Chariot? You will not be able to drive yourself home from administration sessions.
  8. Are you able to read and speak fluent English?

Just a few more questions about your health:

  1. Do you have a personal or family history of an immediate family member with schizophrenia, psychosis of any kind, mania, or hypomania?
  2. Do you have a current prescription for lithium?
  3. Do you experience suicidal thoughts or have a history of suicide attempts. [Passive ideation, such as “I wouldn’t mind if I never woke up again” is permissible].
  4. Do you have hypertension (high blood pressure) or any heart problems? 
  5. Have you ever been told that you have any form of personality disorder?
  6. Are you currently using any recreational drugs? or have you struggled with any form of substance abuse in the previous six months?
  7. Are you pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or breast feeding during the study period?
  8. Are you currently being treated for cancer?

If you were able to say “no” to these last eight questions, you may be eligible for the study, however, our final determination will be following an intake visit. Please schedule an intake visit.