“It’s important for consumers to seek the counsel of an appropriately trained and licensed practitioner to help them ascertain the safety and potential benefits of any supplement,” says NCNM Clinic Medicinary Manager Micaela Angle, LAc.
NCNM faculty members Angela Senders, ND ('05), Andrew Erlandsen, ND ('11), and Heather Zwickey, PhD, write about developing the critical skill of interpreting medical research.
Tabatha Parker, ND ('04), played a prominent role in the historic launch of the new World Naturopathic Federation at the second annual International Congress of Naturopathic Medicine.
Greetings from Cape Town! I woke this morning to the smell of fresh baking bread. Fresh baked bread? Oh my. It confirmed that we have left the so-called third world behind.
Zimbabwe! Cold. OHMYGOSH can Zimbabwe get cold. I think often as Americans we think of Africa as one country – one hot, dry, wild animal filled country. It’s not. It’s an entire continent.
Hello! Yes, hello. No Swahili in Zambia and Zimbabwe. However, we’re quickly learning that Shona, the tribal language in Zimbabwe is similar to Swahili.