
Curriculum – Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization

The Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization (DAcCHM) curriculum features an in-depth, four-year course of study. Building upon the foundation of the MAcCHM program, students will comprehensively explore ancient symbol science and macrocosm-microcosm relationships in the context of classical Chinese medicine (CCM).

You will also learn to integrate evidence-based biomedical analysis into your practice and work collaboratively within the healthcare system. Furthermore, students develop the skills to describe CCM theory and techniques to patients and the public, applying principles from classical texts to clinical scenarios.

Clinical training is a significant program component, focusing on developing foundational knowledge, interpersonal communication, problem-solving, and technical skills. The training progresses from observation to active involvement in patient care, emphasizing individual treatment plans and patient-centered care.

2025-26 DAcCHM Curriculum

Below is the 2025-26 curriculum for the four-year Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization program. For the current curriculum and course descriptions, visit the Course Catalog.

Year 1, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM911Classical Texts I363
CM511Foundations of CCM I242
CM512Chinese History and Culture I181.5
CM513Acu-Moxa Points I242
CM514Acu-Moxa Techniques I241.5
CM515Palpation and Perception I241.5
CM819Taiji I Practicum181
CM530Introduction to Clinic181.5
Shiatsu I301.25
CM551Business of Chinese Medicine I181.5
First Year Fall Totals27019.75

Year 1, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM921Classical Texts II363
CM522Chinese History and Culture II181.5
CM501Professional Development121
CM521Foundations of CCM II242
CM562Chinese Diagnostic Techniques I241.5
CM523Acu-Moxa Points II242
CM524Acu-Moxa Techniques II241.5
Shiatsu II301.25
CM516Herbs I 242
CM556Herbs I Practicum121
CM829Taiji II Practicum181
IM643Physics of the Human Body242
CM500*Clinical Observation I Rotation241
First Year Winter Totals27020.75

Year 1, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM931Classical Texts III363
CM532Chinese History and Culture III181.5
CM595Imaginal and Experiential Inquiries I181.5
CM572Chinese Diagnostic Techniques II241.5
CM531Foundations of CCM III242
CM533Acu-Moxa Points III242
CM534Acu-Moxa Techniques III362
CM535Palpation and Perception III241.5
CM526Herbs II242
CM566Herbs II Practicum121
CM599Evidence Informed Practice242
CM839Taiji III Practicum181
Shiatsu III301.25
First Year Spring Totals31222.25
* 6 weeks that may be taken in winter or spring terms

Year 2, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM971Text VII – Neijing Seminar I242
CM611Cosmology and Symbolism I242
CM612Pathology: Symptom Patterns and Disease Triggers in Chinese Medicine I242
CM613Acu-Moxa Points IV242
CM614Acu-Moxa Techniques IV362
CM615Asian Bodywork241.5
CM536Herbs III242
CM576Herbs III Practicum121
CM617Survey of Western Medicine I242
Western Pharmacology and Biochemistry302.5
OAC523Tuina I 241.25
CM519Qigong I Practicum181
CM600Clinical Observation II Rotation482
Second Year Fall Total33623.25

Year 2, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM981Text VIII – Neijing Seminar II242
CM621Cosmology and Symbolism II242
CM622Pathology: Symptom Patterns and Disease Triggers in Chinese Medicine II242
CM663Auricular Points181.25
CM623Acu-Moxa Points V242
CM624Acu-Moxa Techniques V362
CM616Herbs IV242
CM656Herbs IV Practicum121
CM627Survey of Western Medicine II484
CM657Acu-Moxa Anatomy I181.25
OAC524Tuina II 241.25
CM529Qigong II Practicum181
CM600Clinical Observation II Rotation482
Second Year Winter Total34223.75

Year 2, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM991Text IX – Neijing Seminar III242
CM631Cosmology and Symbolism III242
CM632Pathology: Symptom Patterns and Disease Triggers in Chinese Medicine III242
CM633Acu-Moxa Points VI242
CM634Acu-Moxa Techniques VI362
CM635Practitioner Cultivation I241.5
CM626Herbs V242
CM666Herbs V Practicum121
CM637Survey of Western Medicine III484
CM667Acu-Moxa Anatomy II181.25
OAC525Tuina III 1.25
CM539Qigong III Practicum 181
CM600Clinical Observation II Rotation482
CM671Business of Chinese Medicine II121
Second Year Spring Total33625

Year 3, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM941Text IV – Shanghan Lun/Jingui Yaolüe I242
CM711Advanced Cosmology and Symbolism I242
CM712Clinical Medicine I 484
CM714Adv. Acu-Moxa Techniques I241.5
CM715Chinese Medical Psychology I242
CM636Herbs VI242
CM676Herbs VI Practicum121
CM717Survey of Western Medicine IV484
CM710Clinical Case Presentation I241
CM700Clinical Mentoring Rotation482
CM700Clinical Mentoring Rotation482
CM751 Business of Chinese Medicine III181.5
Third Year Fall Totals36625

Year 3, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM951Text V – Shanghan Lun/Jingui Yaolüe II242
CM721Advanced Cosmology and Symbolism  II242
CM722Clinical Medicine II484
CM724Adv. Acu-Moxa Techniques II241.5
CM725Chinese Medical Psychology II242
CM727Survey of Western Medicine V484
CM777Clinical Physical Diagnosis241.5
OCM644Integrated Gyn; Acupuncture Chinese Med242
OCM664Integrated Gyn; Herbal Chinese Med121
CM720Clinical Case Presentation II241
CM700Clinical Mentoring Rotation482
CM700Clinical Mentoring Rotation482
CM994Clinic Internship Entrance Exam – Practical
Third Year Winter Totals37225

Year 3, Spring

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM961Text VI – Shanghan Lun/Jingui Yaolüe III242
CM731Advanced Cosmology and Symbolism  III242
CM795Imaginal and Experiential Inquiries II181.5
CM732Clinical Medicine III484
CM735Applied Palpation and Perception241.5
CM737Survey of Western Medicine VI484
CM889Race and Disparities in Healthcare242
CM730Clinical Case Presentation III241
CM700Clinical Mentoring Rotation482
CM700Clinical Mentoring Rotation482
CM770Clinical Pre-Internship Rotation241
CM995Clinical Internship Entrance Exam -Written
Third Year Spring Totals37825

Year 4, Summer

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM805Ethics and Jurisprudence121
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
Fourth Year Summer Totals1567

Year 4, Fall

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM845Imaginal and Experiential Inquiries III181.5
CM537CCM View of Biomedicine121
OCM640Neuro-Ortho Acupuncture & Pain Mgnt242
OCM660Neuro-Ortho Herbal Medicine & Pain Mgnt121
CM812Traditional Mentorship Tutorial I242
CM817Physiology of Acupuncture 121
CM810Internship Case Presentation I241
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
Fourth Year Fall Totals22213.5

Year 4, Winter

Course #Course NameHoursCredits
CM855Imaginal and Experiential Inquiries IV60.5
CM862Healthcare Landscape121
CM993Doctoral Capstone Mentorship242
CM822Traditional Mentorship Tutorial II242
CM826Herbs Review/Medicinary Practicum181.5
OCM646Integrated Pediatrics; Acupuncture Therapeutics121
OCM665Integrated Pediatrics; Herbal Therapeutics242
CM820Internship Case Presentation II 241
CM861Business of Chinese Medicine IV181.5
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
CM900*Collaborative Care Rotation602.5
Fourth Year Winter Totals27017
*Can be taken in summer, fall, winter or spring quarter.

Year 4, Spring

Course #Course  NameHoursCredits
CM857Eastern-Western Correspondences242
CM832Traditional Mentorship Tutorial III242
CM813Acu-Moxa Review121
CM930Collaborative Care Case Presentation241
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
CM800Clinical  Internship Rotation482
CM996Clinical  Internship Exit Exam
Fourth Year Spring Totals18010
^ This rotation can be taken in either summer, fall, winter or spring of the final year.
^^ These hours are cumulative and may be earned in a term other than the one registered.


First year totals0.00222.00630.00852.0062.75
Second year totals144.00204.00690.001014.0072.00
Third year totals384.0048.00684.001116.0075.00
Fourth year totals516.000.00312.00828.0047.50
Totals before selectives1044.00474.002316.003810.00257.25
Total Credit Requirements w/ Electives *   3930.00267.25
* CCM Electives: 10 credits required