
Curriculum – Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization

The Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization (MAcCHM) curriculum at NUNM delivers a profound understanding of classical Chinese medicine (CCM) alongside a holistic education in Western biomedical sciences. This comprehensive approach covers various primary modalities, including herbal formulation, acupuncture, moxibustion, Asian bodywork, qigong, and nutrition. The program places a strong emphasis on personal and professional development, optimizing your proficiency as a practitioner while supporting your well-being throughout your training.

Clinical training is an integral part of the program, guiding students from observation of experienced practitioners to conducting comprehensive patient assessments and delivering individually tailored treatment protocols under expert supervision. Training in case report writing is woven throughout your clinical education, emphasizing the importance of documenting and communicating clinical experiences effectively.

Four-Year MAcCHM Curriculum

Year One

Fall See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 511Foundations of Classical Chinese Medicine I Lecture242.00
CM 512Chinese History and Culture I181.50
CM 513Acu-Moxa Points I (Point Actions) Lecture242.00
CM 514Acu-Moxa Techniques I (Point Location) Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 515Palpation and Perception I Practicum Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 518Qigong I Retreat120.50
CM 519Qigong I Practicum181.50
CM 530Introduction to Clinic181.50
CM 551The Business of Chinese Medicine I181.50
First-Year Fall TotalsLab: 36; Lecture: 144 Total Hours: 18013.50

Winter See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 502Professional Development121.00
CM 521Foundations of Classical Chinese Medicine II242.00
CM 562Chinese Diagnostic Techniques I Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 523Acu-Moxa Points II (Point Actions)242.00
CM 524Acu-Moxa Techniques II (Point Location) Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 525Palpation and Perception II Practicum Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 516Herbs I242.00
CM 556Herbs I Practicum121.00
CM 528Qigong II Retreat120.50
CM 529Qigong II Practicum181.50
First-Year Winter TotalsLab: 48; Lecture: 150; Total Hours: 19814.50

Spring See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 531Foundations of Classical Chinese Medicine III242.00
CM 572Chinese Diagnostic Techniques II Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 533Acu-Moxa Points III242.00
CM 534Acu-Moxa Techniques III Lab & Lecture362.00
CM 535Palpation and Perception III Practicum Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 526Herbs II242.00
CM 566Herbs II Practicum121.00
CM 599Evidence-Informed Practice242.00
CM 538Qigong III Retreat120.50
CM 539Qigong III Practicum181.50
CM 500Pre-Observation Rotation241.00
First-Year Spring TotalsClinic: 24; Lab: 60; Lecture: 162
Total Hours: 246

First-Year Totals – Clinic: 24; Lab: 144; Lecture: 456; Total Hours: 624; Credits: 45.00

Year Two

Fall See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 611Chinese Organ Systems: Cosmology and Symbolism I242.00
CM 612Chinese Pathology I242.00
CM 613Acu-Moxa Points IV242.00
CM 614Acu-Moxa Techniques IV Lab & Lecture362.00
CM 615Asian Bodywork Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 536Herbs III242.00
CM 576Herbs III Practicum121.00
CM 617Biomedicine I242.00
CM 699Immunology363.00
CM 618Qigong IV Retreat120.50
CM 619Qigong IV Practicum181.50
CM 600Clinical Observation482.00
Second-Year Fall TotalsClinic: 48; Lab: 48; Lecture: 210
Total Hours: 306

Winter See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 621Chinese Organ Systems: Cosmology and Symbolism II242.00
CM 622Chinese Pathology II242.00
CM 623Acu-Moxa Points V242.00
CM 663Auricular Points Lab & Lecture181.25
CM 624Acu-Moxa Techniques V Lab & Lecture362.00
CM 616Herbs IV242.00
CM 656Herbs IV Practicum121.00
CM 627Biomedicine II484.00
CM 657Acu-Moxa Anatomy I Lab & Lecture181.25
CM 628Qigong V Retreat120.50
CM 629Qigong V Practicum181.50
CM 600Clinical Observation482.00
Second-Year Winter TotalsClinic: 48; Lab: 48; Lecture: 210
Total Hours: 306

Spring See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 631Chinese Organ Systems: Cosmology and Symbolism II242.00
CM 632Chinese Pathology II242.00
CM 633Acu-Moxa Points VI242.00
CM 634Acu-Moxa Techniques VI Lab & Lecture362.00
CM 635Practitioner Cultivation I Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 626Herbs V242.00
CM 666Herbs V Practicum121.00
CM 637Biomedicine III484.00
CM 667Acu-Moxa Anatomy II Lab & Lecture181.25
CM 638Qigong VI Retreat120.50
CM 639Qigong VI Practicum181.50
CM 600Clinical Observation482.00
CM 671The Business of Chinese Medicine II121.00
Second-Year Spring TotalsClinic: 48; Lab: 54; Lecture: 222
Total Hours: 324

Second-Year Totals – Clinic: 144; Lab: 150; Lecture: 642; Total Hours: 936; Credits: 65.75

Year Three

Fall See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 712Clinical Medicine I484.00
CM 714Advanced Acu-Moxa Techniques I Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 715Chinese Medical Psychology I242.00
CM 717Biomedicine IV484.00
CM 636Herbs VI242.00
CM 676Herbs VI Practicum121.00
CM 718Qigong VII Retreat120.50
CM 719Qigong VII Practicum181.50
CM 710Clinical Case Presentation I241.00
CM 700Clinical Mentoring Rotations (2 Rotations)962.00 each
CM 751The Business of Chinese Medicine III181.50
Third-Year Fall TotalsClinic: 120; Lab: 24; Lecture: 204
Total Hours: 348

Winter See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 722Clinical Medicine II484.00
CM 724Advanced Acu-Moxa Techniques II Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 725Chinese Medical Psychology II242.00
CM 727Biomedicine V484.00
CM 777Clinical and Physical Diagnosis Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 728Qigong VIII Retreat120.50
CM 729Qigong VIII Practicum181.50
CM 720Clinical Case Presentation II241.00
CM 700Clinical Mentoring Rotations (2 Rotations)962.00 each
Third-Year Fall TotalsClinic: 120; Lab: 36; Lecture: 162
Total Hours: 318

Spring See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 732Clinical Medicine III484.00
CM 735Applied Palpation and Perception Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 737Biomedicine VI484.00
CM 799Nutrition242.00
CM 889Race and Disparities in Health Care242.00
CM 738Qigong IX Retreat120.50
CM 739Qigong IX Practicum181.50
CM 730Clinical Case Presentation III241.00
CM 700Clinical Mentoring Rotations (2 Rotations)962.00 each
CM 770Clinical Pre-Internship Rotation241.00
Third Year Spring TotalsClinic: 144; Lab: 24; Lecture: 174
Total Hours: 342

Third-Year Totals – Clinic: 384; Lab: 84; Lecture: 540; Total Hours: 1008; Credits: 64.50

Year Four

Summer See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 805Ethics and Jurisprudence121.00
CM 800Clinical Internship Rotations (3 Rotations)1442.00 each
Fourth Year Summer TotalsClinic: 144; Lecture: 12
Total Hours: 156

Fall See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 812Traditional Mentorship Tutorial I242.00
CM 815Practitioner Cultivation II Lab & Lecture241.50
CM 817Physiology of Acupuncture121.00
CM 819Taiji I Practicum181.50
CM 810Internship Case Presentation I241.00
CM 800Clinical Internship Rotations (2 Rotations)962.00 each
Fourth Year Summer TotalsClinic: 120; Lab: 12; Lecture: 66
Total Hours: 198

Winter See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 822Traditional Mentorship Tutorial II242.00
CM 826Herbs Review/Medicinary Practicum181.50
CM 829Taiji II Practicum181.50
CM 820Internship Case Presentation II241.00
CM 800Clinical Internship Rotations (2 Rotations)962.00 each
CM 861The Business of Chinese Medicine IV181.50
Fourth Year Winter TotalsClinic: 120; Lecture: 78
Total Hours: 198

Spring See Course Descriptions
Course CatalogCourseHoursCredits
CM 832Traditional Mentorship Tutorial III242.00
CM 813Acu-Moxa Board Review121.00
CM 839Taiji III Practicum181.50
CM 830Internship Case Presentation III241.00
CM 800Clinical Internship Rotations
(2 Rotations)
962.00 each
CM 871Community Education Lab120.50
Fourth Year Spring TotalsClinic: 120; Lab: 12; Lecture: 54
Total Hours: 186

Fourth-Year Totals – Clinic: 504; Lab: 24; Lecture: 210; Total Hours: 738; Credits: 39.50

Program Totals Before Electives – Clinic: 1056; Lab: 420; Lecture: 1848; Total Hours: 3306; Credits: 214.75

Program Totals With Electives – Total Hours: 3378 | Credits: 220.75