Alert: NUNM physical campus is CLOSED on Friday, Feb. 14. All academic and clinical operations will be virtual. Check your e-mail for details.

Campus Safety & Security

Emergency Quick Guide

This section classifies emergencies generally in accordance with FEMA guidelines and provides a manual for specific response to emergency situations. You can click on each emergency type to view the procedures for handling each particular situation.

Evacuation Plan: Updated 2024

Emergency Plan: Updated 2024

Emergency Phone Numbers

In case of emergency, dial 911.

Security Cell: 503.830.3613

Facilities, Safety & Security: 503.552.1572

Chief of Security Mike Hale: Cell 503.830.3613, After Hours 503.914.1144

After hours Call List:  503.914.1144

Non-emergency Police: 503.823.3333

Non-emergency Fire Dept: 503.823.3700

First Response Security: 866.686.1886

Exposure Control Officer: Jessica Nagelkirk, ND, Chief Medical Officer, 503.552.1874

TB Control Officer: Tammy Vogel, 503.552.1551, opt. 2

Chief Medical Office: Jessica Nagelkirk, ND, Chief Medical Officer, 503.552.1874


In the event of a fire:

  1. Alert others. Yell loudly! Pull nearest fire alarm.
  2. Evacuate: If possible, close all windows and doors as you leave. Turn off lights. Be sure everyone in your area has left. Check restrooms. Assist anyone who is disabled to the nearest exit, if possible. If area is full of smoke, stay low to the floor and exit as quickly as possible. Do not use elevators.
  3. Report it: Dial 911.
  4. Extinguish: Attempt to put out the fire only if it is very small.
  5. If trapped: Close off area, stand near a window, and signal for help by hanging a piece of clothing or material out the window.
  6. Stay out: Do not re-enter the building until given permission to do so by the Fire Department.

Medical Emergency

In the event of a medical emergency:

  1. Report it. If a medical emergency exists, call for an ambulance (911.)
  2. Do not move the victim if you don’t have to. Keep the victim comfortable. Be cautious – it’s better to call an ambulance and find out later that it wasn’t an emergency.
  3. First aid: Only apply as much as you have been trained to do. If it is possible for you to leave the injured person, attempt to find a person trained in first aid.
  4. Report it: All injuries, minor or serious, must be reported. Call Safety & Security, 503.830.3613

Utility Outage/Power Failure

In the event of a power outage:

  1. Report it. Call Facilities (x1572) during regular business hours (M-F 7 a.m.–7 p.m.) Call the emergency after hours call list (503.914.1144) at all other times.
  2. Unplug all electrical equipment and note any damage.
  3. Conserve heat. Close all windows and drapes.
  4. Observe. Watch for signs of fire and report the fire immediately.
  5. If you observe a downed power line, STAY AWAY and contact Safety & Facilities (503.830.3613).

Adverse Weather Conditions

Severe weather conditions can adversely affect the operations of NUNM. The office of the Provost, working in conjunction with the Facility department, routinely monitors weather forecasts in order to ensure that the college is prepared for and able to respond to projected weather conditions, and to make informed recommendations about whether to close the college or to call for a delayed opening or an early dismissal.

Initial Action: 

As the Provost (or designee) learns—through the routine monitoring of weather information systems—that the college is likely to be affected negatively by adverse weather conditions, the Provost or (designee) communicates with Facilities Services. Staffing levels, equipment, and overall readiness will be evaluated. The President and the Provost together will make a determination about closing the college.

Note: The College will use the e2Campus system only in the most extreme weather conditions such as blizzards or hurricanes. Other weather-related school closings, (e.g., those affected by ice or snow), will be communicated via the university’s website or by television and radio announcements.

Flooding & Water Damage

Serious water damage may result from a variety of causes: heavy rainstorms, broken pipes, clogged drains, leaky roofs, broken windows or skylights, broken sprinklers, etc.

If a water leak or flood occurs: 

  1. Remain calm.
  2. If there is a threat of personal injury, dial 911 to summon assistance.
  3. Call Facilities (x1572) during normal business hours. Call the emergency after hours call list (503.914.1144) at all other times. In particular, indicate if any valuable objects, books, or equipment are affected or are in imminent danger of being damaged.
  4. Notify your supervisor and/or Security.
  5. If there are electrical appliances or electrical outlets near the flood/leak, use extreme caution. If there is any possibility of danger, evacuate the area.
  6. If you know the source of the water and are confident of your ability to stop it (e.g. unclog a drain, turn off water, etc.) do so cautiously.

Workplace Violence

If you observe someone acting in a suspicious or threatening manner:

  1. Do not confront the individual(s).
  2. Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the individual.
  3. If the person is unknown to you or is acting in a threatening way, or if you believe there is imminent danger, call the police immediately (911.)
  4. If the person is known to you and is not acting in a threatening manner or that person is suspected of being in possession of a weapon, notify Security (503-830-3613).
  5. If possible, warn other people in your immediate area.
  6. If possible, get description of person(s) (height, clothing etc.) and/or vehicle, including license number and state.
  7. Protect yourself.

Hostage Situation

If you witness persons attempting to abduct or take someone hostage:

  1. Evacuate the area if possible. Then Proceed to the Helfgott parking lot as long as the situation is not in that area.
  2. Immediately notify the police (911). Be prepared to provide as much information about the situation as possible.
  3. Respond to immediate needs of people involved in the crisis.

Basic Guidelines if Taken Hostage: 

Do not negotiate; trained negotiators from the Police Department will conduct negotiations.

  1. Remain calm
  2. Be cooperative.
  3. Do not make threats.
  4. Be a good listener.
  5. Observe all you can.
  6. Avoid heroics.

Crime in Progress

If you witness a crime in progress:

  1. PROTECT YOURSELF. Do not try to apprehend or interfere with the individual except to protect yourself.
  2. Call the police. Dial 911. Stay on the phone until the dispatcher tells you to hang up.
  3. Call Campus Security (503.830.3613) to advise them of the situation.
  4. Be observant. Try to get a good description of the individual(s).

NOTE: Make note of the height, weight, sex, race, approximate age of perpetrators, as well as clothing, their location, method and direction of travel, name (if known), vehicle license plate number, make, model and color of car.


  2. If you are indoors: Stay inside, get under a desk or table, stand in an interior doorway, or along an inner wall. Avoid windows and outside doors. Move away from shelves containing objects that may fall.
  3. Do not use elevators.
  4. After shock subsides get out of doors. Stay completely clear of buildings, trees and power lines. If safe to do so, report to the Evacuation Assembly Area in the back of the West Academic Building Parking Lot.
  5. Be prepared for additional aftershocks. While they are typically smaller in intensity than the major quake, they may cause damage to already weakened buildings.
  6. If you are outdoors, stay outside. Get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls and power lines. If safe to do so, report to the back of the West Academic Building Parking Lot.
  7. Be aware of potential danger from gas leaks, downed power lines, broken glass, and other hazards. Do not use matches or lighters until you are told it is safe to do so.
  8. Call 911 to report damage, injuries, gas leaks, or water leaks. Use a phone in a safe place.
  9. Limit phone use to emergency use only.

Bomb Threat

  2. Use the bomb threat checklist to try to gather information about the exact location of the bomb, the detonation time, description of the bomb, and type of explosive.
  3. Keep the caller talking. Keep the line open – do not hang up the phone even if the caller does. Try to get the attention of someone else who can call 911.
  4. Call 911 and the after hours emergency call list: 503.914.1144. Do not touch or move suspicious objects. Notify bomb squad and clear area.
  5. If notified to evacuate the building: Walk quickly but calmly to exits. Reserve elevators for persons with disabilities. Provide assistance to persons with disabilities as necessary.
  6. Leave doors and windows open to minimize damage in the event of a blast.
  7. Leave the building and move to a safe distance (at least 300 feet away.)
  8. Do not re-enter the building until you are told it is safe to do so.

Bomb Threat Checklist

Questions to ask: 

  1. When is the bomb going to explode?
  2. Where is it right now?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. What kind of bomb is it?
  5. What will cause it to explode?
  6. Did you place the bomb?
  7. Why?
  8. What is your address?
  9. What is your name?

Note: Make note of the exact wording of the threat; sex of caller; race; estimated age; length of call; number at which the call was received; and the time and date. Try to note specific characteristics of the caller’s voice, as well as any background sounds.

Report call immediately to police (911). 

Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure

Needle-stick protocol – Use this protocol when a needle-stick occurs to an employee, student or patient. Because of the possibility of contracting viral hepatitis or HIV from a needle-stick, it is very important to follow these instructions:

  1. DO NOT STICK YOUR FINGER IN YOUR MOUTH. Allow the needle wound to bleed freely for one to two minutes. Hold under running water.
    • Wash thoroughly with betadine solution.
    • Proceed to Blood borne Pathogen Exposure Follow-Up Protocol.
  1. Body fluid eye/membrane splash – Use this protocol when an employee, student or patient is splashed in or near eyes with blood or body fluids.
    • Do not rub the eye. Go to the nearest clean sink with an eyewash attachment or eyewash station. If no eyewash is available, use a cup or hands to splash water into eyes or other mucous membrane for at least five minutes.
    • Proceed to Blood borne Pathogen Exposure Follow-Up Protocol.
  1. Blood borne Pathogen Exposure Follow-Up Protocol – In the case of needle-stick or other blood borne pathogen exposure:
    • If known, try to retain the source patient/s until they have been asked to consent to a blood draw at NUNM. (The lab has a standing order for post-exposure testing.)
    • IMMEDIATELY CALL the exposure control officer at 503.380.7694.
    • Call the Facilities, Safety and Security office at 503.830.3613. If after hours or on the weekend, call the after hours emergency call list at 503.914.1144.
    • Within 24 hours and as soon as possible, fill out an NUNM incident report on the NUNM website. Exposed individual should take a copy to the chosen follow-up care site.

Gunfire—Emergency Lockdown Procedures

  • An emergency lockdown will be announced by the campus notification system.
  • If a situation requiring an emergency lockdown is discovered (e.g. a hostile intruder threat, an active shooter), the individual making the discovery shall immediately contact Police and Security and provide as much information as possible.
  • Fire evacuation alarms are not to be sounded.


  1. Lock all doors.
  2. Close windows and window treatments.
  3. Turn off lights.
  4. Everyone is to remain quiet and not enter hallways.
  5. Should the fire alarm sound, do not evacuate building unless: you have firsthand knowledge that there is a fire in the building; you are in imminent danger; or you have been advised by police to evacuate the building.
  6. Crouch down in areas that are out of sight from doors and windows.
  7. Persons in hallways are to seek shelter in the nearest room.
  8. Persons in outdoor areas should immediately take cover.
  9. Do not leave rooms or buildings until you are notified that the situation has passed.

Death or Serious Injury

Initial Action 

On receiving a call regarding a death or serious injury, Security will make sure 911 has been contacted and simultaneously they will dispatch a Security Officer to investigate. Once the situation is under control an incident report will be generated. The report will include the following information:

  • Time of Incident
  • Location of Incident
  • Name of Involved/Injured Party
  • Title of Involved Injured Party (Student, Faculty, Staff or other) Description of the Incident
  • Witnesses
  • NUNM community members that were notified
  • NUNM community members that were involved in supporting the victim in any way during and/or after the initial incident
  • The name, badge and or car number of the first responders

If the incident involves a faculty member, the Program Dean, the Director of Human Resources and the Director of PR & Communications will be notified. If the incident involves a student, the Dean of Students, the Director of Human Resources and the Director of PR & Communications will be notified. Once the incident report is completed, copies of all incidents will be distributed to the Vice President/CFO.

Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities

  1. Be aware of persons in your area with special needs (i.e. impaired vision, impaired hearing, impaired mobility, or other special needs.)
  2. Alert them to the emergency (i.e. inform hearing-impaired of the alarm) and give assistance if needed.
  3. Persons with impaired mobility have three basic options for evacuation, in the following order:
  4. Evacuate using building exits to the outside at ground level
  5. Stay in place: unless danger is imminent, remain in a room with an exterior window, a telephone, and a solid or fire-resistant door. Call 911.Report your location. If the phone lines fail, signal from the window by waving a cloth or other visible object.
  6. Evacuate using steps to reach ground level.

Note: Trained professionals should conduct stairway evacuation for persons in wheelchairs. During a fire alarm, those in wheelchairs should be moved to the landing of the nearest stairwell. A volunteer should remain with that person, while another volunteer seeks out facilities or security staff to alert them of the location of the wheelchair-user. Only in situations of extreme danger should untrained people attempt to evacuate persons in wheelchairs.

Immediately notify emergency personnel of the precise location and needs of individuals with disabilities who need assistance with evacuation.

Emergency Notification System

In the event of an actual emergency on campus, NUNM participates in a rapid notification system. Once activated, the system alerts anyone with a college-provided e-mail account. In addition, the system (Connect Ed-Alert Emergency Notification System) communicates to students, faculty, and staff via voice message and/or instant text message to home and cell telephones. While the system is active and ready for use, it is only as good as the contact information it contains.