About NUNM


Our campus hums with an energy all its own. After all, we are attuned to serving the robust future of the field of natural medicine and holistic health. Our 5.4 acre campus, located in the heart of Portland, Oregon, is an urban setting infused with natural beauty, culture and social conscience.


Within our triangular footprint, our university consists of six buildings in close proximity to each other: the Academic Building; the Administration Building; the NUNM Lair Hill Health Center (one of nearly a dozen health centers), designed for delivery of naturopathic and Chinese medicine; Radelet Hall, which houses a large classroom and conference rooms; and Helfgott Research Institute, located within a short walk from campus. Additionally, our Min Zidell Healing Garden is a unique teaching green space, weaving together both Eastern and Western plants inspired by feng shui design principles. We also have a community garden, the Minh Chau Garden, which serves as a living laboratory for growing vegetables and herbs.