Financial aid is available to students enrolled at least half-time. All newly admitted and currently enrolled students applying for federal financial aid are required to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form each year. This document becomes available on December 1st. Eligibility for financial aid is determined using a federal methodology formula as outlined by the U.S. Department of Education.
Students receiving federal financial aid are required to disclose all outside resources received on their behalf to the Financial Aid Office. These resources will be included and calculated as part of their financial aid award packet. To continue to receive financial aid, the student must make satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the academic policies, and must be enrolled at least half-time to qualify for federal aid.
Enrollment status is defined by the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in each quarter for purposes of loan deferments, aid eligibility or any other official certification. Enrollment information for each degree program is outlined on the Enrollment Status Defined page.
To be considered an “eligible student for federal and state financial aid,” you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible resident
- Have a valid Social Security number
- Be admitted into an eligible NUNM degree program
- Be enrolled at least half-time each term, to qualify for the Direct Loan Program funds:
- Undergraduate programs in the School of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies is defined as 6 credits half time, 12 credits full time
- Graduate programs in the School of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies is defined as 4 credits half time, 8 credits full time
- Colleges are defined as 5.5 credits half time, 11 credits full time
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress
- Not be in default on any federal student loan, or owe a refund on any federal grant
- Have a high school diploma, GED, be home schooled, or have completed 6 college credits toward an eligible degree or certificate
In addition, funding is available only for courses and the number of credits required for the degree. Most programs allow for a specified number of elective credits and funding is restricted to the number of elective credits allowed.
Students enrolled in concurrent programs are required to complete the number of elective credit hours of the program that has the greater number of electives between the two programs. Title IV funds can only be awarded to the program with the highest elective credits required as these elective credits will fulfill the graduation requirements for both programs (.. students in ND/CCM would have Title IV funding for 16 required elective credits).
Electives taken beyond the program requirement will not be included in determining a students eligibility for Title IV funds.
Financial Aid Timeline for the 2025–2026 Academic Year
To determine eligibility, you must:
- Complete NUNM’s Application for Admission. Students must be admitted before a financial aid package can be awarded.
- Complete the 2025–2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), available on December 1st, at The federal Title IV school code for NUNM is B07624. Depending on when you intend to take classes, you may need to apply for financial aid for both the current academic year as well as the upcoming academic year. If you’re not sure, please check in with the Financial Aid Office.
Because many aid programs have limited funds, NUNM recommends submitting your completed FAFSA form by the Feb. 15 priority application deadline.
Financial Aid Census Date
In accordance with federal regulations, the Financial Aid Office will verify each student’s enrollment status on the published census date by the Office of the Registrar, which is the first Monday of the third week of each term: summer, fall, winter and spring. This policy typically coincides with the end of the add/drop period for each term. If the enrollment status has changed, the Financial Aid Office, as required by federal regulations, will recalculate federal, state and institutional student aid awards.
If the change in enrollment status, prior to completing 60% of the term, causes a student to become ineligible for all or a portion of the financial aid award, the student will immediately be responsible for repaying those funds that have been disbursed to them.
Eligibility for these federal programs may also be affected for those who have had FAFSA information or corrections submitted after the census date.
Complete withdrawals from the institution are subject to federal, state and institutional refund policies. If students drop classes (or change their class status to audit) after the census date, they may also have future financial aid eligibility issues. Please review the add/drop policies in the student handbook for more information on the requirements to maintain financial aid eligibility.
Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to making changes to their enrollment to ensure there is an understanding of any financial implications that may occur.
NUNM awards scholarships to both new and returning students enrolled during the academic year. Scholarships are limited and the amount and availability varies from year to year. Scholarship recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress as a condition for receiving a scholarship. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the scholarship. Money received from scholarship sources does not have to be repaid. Visit our scholarship page for more information.
Admissions Scholarships
New students entering NUNM have the opportunity to apply for one of our Incoming Student Scholarships. Applicants need to complete an application and submit with a 1-2 page professional essay. To be considered, students must complete their application for admission by Feb. 1, the preferred application date.
Decisions on scholarship awards are based on a holistic evaluation of the entire application file and are made at the same time admissions decisions are made. Students will be notified of any scholarships along with their admission notification.
For more information about these scholarships, please contact the Office of Admissions at 503.552.1660.
NUNM Enrolled Student Scholarships
All current full-time students in good academic standing are encouraged to apply for student scholarships. Finalists are selected based on a record of outstanding academic achievement, leadership, dedication to the profession of natural medicine, and a dedication to serving the university and the community. Scholarship applications are available late in spring term of each year. Selected recipients are announced after spring term and scholarships are awarded evenly each term over the students’ following academic year. Additional criteria, such as need, may apply.
More information about scholarship availability can be obtained by contacting the Advancement Department
Scholarship Timeline
- Applications open: May1, 2025
- Submission deadline: July 7, 2025
- Scholarship recipients announced: August, 2025
How to Apply
Complete the 2025-2026 NUNM Scholarship Application. Include your scholarship–specific essays and all required documents in your submission. Please remove your name from all essay materials.
Scholarship Award and Financial Aid
Federal financial aid recipients could have other aid reduced to accommodate any scholarship(s) received. Scholarship funds will be divided into three equal installments and disbursed to the recipient in fall, winter and spring terms. Scholarship recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress as a condition for receiving a scholarship. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the scholarship. This policy applies to both internal and external scholarship funding sources.
When Awarded a Scholarship
All scholarship recipients are expected to write a thank you letter to the donor (when appropriate). Letters should be delivered to the Office of Advancement to send to the donor(s).
Who is Eligible
All scholarships that are determined by financial need will be based on Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) needs analysis results. All students receiving financial aid will have all scholarships included as part of their award package. We encourage all students to complete the FAFSA application online with National University of Natural Medicine School Code of B07624. International students applying for need-based scholarship(s) should write a statement of financial need.
Federal and State Aid Programs
Pell Grant
The federal Pell Grant program provides funds to students demonstrating significant financial need as determined by the estimated family contribution and cost of attendance, and are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. A federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Students who will receive federal Pell Grants, and have the most financial need, will be considered for FSEOG. Unlike the federal Pell Grant program, FSEOG funds are often exhausted early in the financial aid application cycle. Interested students should be sure to submit their FAFSA application as early as possible. The FSEOG does not need to be repaid.
Oregon Opportunity Grant
The Oregon Opportunity Grant program was created by the Oregon State Legislature to help needy Oregon undergraduate students to attend Oregon colleges. Oregon residents who attend NUNM may be eligible to receive an Oregon Opportunity Grant. These grants are awarded on the basis of financial need, based upon the information provided on your FAFSA. Students who already have a bachelor’s degree are not eligible to receive an Oregon Opportunity Grant. More detailed information regarding the Oregon Opportunity Grant is at
Federal Loans
The majority of students find it necessary to borrow loans to fund their educational expenses. The amount of education loans available will depend on a student’s program(s) of enrollment. The student should keep in mind the amount of loans they choose to borrow and their overall indebtedness, and that the money borrowed will have to be repaid with interest. All students interested in federal loans must complete and submit the FAFSA. You can apply for loans at any time throughout the academic year.
Types of Federal Loans
Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
Subsidized Stafford Loans are available for students enrolled in undergraduate programs. Loans have both interest and principal payments waived during enrollment (at least half time) periods and during the grace period. Eligibility for this program is based upon need, class level, and annual and cumulative limits. Students who borrow Subsidized Stafford Loans must complete entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN). For more information, go to
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
Unsubsidized Stafford Loans are available to undergraduate students and graduate or professional students. Unsubsidized Stafford Loans have principal payments waived during enrollment (at least half time) and during the grace period. The student borrower must elect to make interest-only payments while attending school or defer payments. Deferred interest payments will be capitalized (added to the principal balance) at repayment. Eligibility for this program is based upon dependent status, class level, and annual and cumulative loan limits.
Student borrowers who elect to borrow both Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans (if eligible for both) may complete one MPN for both programs. Borrowers who have not completed entrance counseling must do so before completing an MPN. For more information, go to
Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
The parent PLUS loan is available to parents of undergraduate students. The PLUS loan program is credit-score based. This loan is limited to the difference between the student’s cost of education and the student’s financial aid. Parents who want to borrow a PLUS loan must complete a PLUS Loan Certification Request form. If a parent borrower is unable to secure a PLUS loan, the undergraduate dependent student may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loans to help pay for his or her education.
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan Program
The Graduate Plus Loan program is available to graduate students that need to fill the gap between other forms of financial aid and the student’s cost of attendance budget. Students should keep in mind that the interest on these loans continues to accrue while enrolled in school, and that the interest rates are generally higher than the Federal Direct Stafford Loan program. A credit check is required and an endorser option may be available. There is no grace period on this loan and repayment begins 60 days after the final loan disbursement; however, students are eligible to request an in-school deferment on this loan. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Aggregate Loan Limits
Aggregate Graduate Loan Limits for Master’s Degree Programs
The maximum amount of student education loans is limited federally to $20,500 per nine-month period (academic year), and cannot exceed a maximum borrowing amount of $138,500—of which no more than $65,500 can be in subsidized loans. This aggregate limit includes undergraduate loan debt and applies to students enrolled solely in master’s degree programs.
Aggregate Undergraduate Loan Limits
The maximum aggregate amount of federal loans is limited to students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. The maximum aggregate amount of DEPENDENT undergraduate loans a student may be eligible for is $31,000—of which no more than $23,000 may be in the form of a subsidized loan. The maximum aggregate amount of INDEPENDENT undergraduate loans a student may be eligible for is $57,500—of which no more than $23,000 may be in the form of a subsidized loan.
Students who have received more than their aggregate cap are considered to have been over-awarded, and as such, must resolve the over-award prior to being considered eligible for federal Title IV financial aid. Annual loan limits apply and students should contact the Financial Aid Office for further information.
Alternative Loans
Alternative (private) loans are administered and processed by private lending institutions, and are to be used for educational costs after first exhausting potentially more favorable federal and state financial aid options. Contact the Financial Aid Office or visit to search for an alternate loan product through ELMSelect.
Exhaust Federal Student Aid Options First
Alternative loans are not part of the federal student loan programs, and should only be used in circumstances where you have exhausted all other options in regard to financing your education. It is highly recommended that students apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to seeking an alternative loan. You may be eligible for the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Benefits of direct loans over an alternative loan may include lower interest rates and better repayment options. Eligible students who elect to decline participation in the Federal Direct Loan program to borrow an alternative loan must contact the NUNM Financial Aid Office to schedule a counseling session and sign a “Federal Student Loan Waiver” form.
NUNM Emergency Loans
The university provides emergency loan assistance on a short-term basis to students experiencing financial hardship resulting from unexpected emergency situations. Loan requests may range from $100 to $1000 depending on availability of funds. Emergency loans are considered a loan of last resort and available at the discretion of the director of financial aid to students with an acute immediate need. Additional criteria for this loan is outlined in the application process. Students cannot borrow more than one emergency loan per academic year, cannot borrow this loan in the final term of an academic year, and must have this loan repaid in full prior to the end of the respective term. For more information, students can make an appointment to meet with the director of financial aid for consideration.
Emergency Loan Examples:
- Personal/Family Crisis – a situation or period in which things are very uncertain, difficult or painful; especially a time when action must be taken to avoid complete disaster or breakdown
- Disaster – an event that causes serious loss, destruction or hardship
- Tragedy – serious illness, financial ruin or family fatality
- Theft – having property stolen, vehicle damage, etc.
Student Loan Fund Disbursement Procedures
All financial aid funds are disbursed quarterly through the Business Office. The Business Office applies financial aid funds to a student’s account for unpaid tuition and fees at the time funds are received by the institution. If financial aid funds are in excess of tuition and fees, the resulting credit balance will be refunded to the student to use for other education-related expenses. Refund checks are disbursed by the Business Office staff the first week of the term. Direct deposit is available and highly encouraged, otherwise, checks will be placed in student mailboxes or mailed to the address on file.
If a student receives financial aid after the term begins, any resulting credit balance will be refunded by the Business Office within 10 business days of receipt of the funds by the institution. The refund check will be processed via direct deposit, placed in the student’s mailbox or mailed to the address on file.
Credit balances resulting from any other financial activity, such as dropped classes, will be refunded within 10 business days.
Professional Judgment Review
The U.S. Department of Education gives the director of financial aid the authority to make adjustments to a student’s financial aid package in cases involving unusual circumstances through a process known as professional judgment. Students experiencing unusual/unexpected financial circumstances during the academic year can request a meeting with the director of financial aid to request a review. An academic year is defined as a period of enrollment during the current FAFSA year. Students under review will be required to sign a release to provide specific documentation. The professional judgment review process is solely at the discretion of the director of financial aid, and all outcomes whether approved or denied are final and ineligible for appeal.
Cost of Attendance Increase
The U.S. Department of Education grants schools the discretion, known as professional judgement, to modify a student’s standard cost of attendance for education-related expenses on a case-by-case basis. Student’s may request an increase to their cost of attendance for:
- A one time cost associated with purchasing a computer
- Childcare expenses
- Out of pocket medical/dental expenses
- Study abroad expenses
The cost of attendance increase request must thoroughly document all expenses and include the appropriate supporting documentation. The cost of attendance review process is solely at the discretion of the director of financial aid, and all outcomes whether approved or denied are final and ineligible for appeal.
Change of Program Track & Adding/Dropping Courses – Effect on Financial Aid
Students receiving federal financial aid must provide their Student Status Change Form, program deviation paperwork or Add/Drop Form and schedule a meeting with the Financial Aid Office staff to discuss program changes that may affect their eligibility for financial aid. Students must continue to make satisfactory academic policies, and maintain at least half-time enrollment in required courses applicable to their program of enrollment to qualify for federal aid. Academic or elective credits not required for degree completion are ineligible for federal aid. All students with modified curriculum layouts are subject to cost of attendance budget revisions in order to align course load requirements with appropriate aid eligibility.
Federal Loan Exit Interviews
Federal regulations require that any student who has received a federal loan while attending NUNM and who leaves for any reason, including official leaves of absence, must participate in a loan exit interview. Exit interviews are conducted online at Additional information may be obtained by calling the Financial Aid Office.
Federal Title IV Refund Procedure
Title IV funds are awarded under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that they were originally scheduled to receive. If a student receiving financial aid is eligible for a refund, that refund is returned to the Federal Financial Aid program. If the amount of the refund exceeds the total amount of aid, the excess will be returned to the student.
Students whose accounts were paid in full often have a balance owed to NUNM after withdrawal. The Title IV Return of Funds policy operates independently of the university’s tuition refund policy. It is possible for a withdrawing student to owe NUNM money because aid must be returned to the Title IV program, but the student is not entitled to a refund of institutional charges.
Federal Title IV funds are always returned in the order mandated by the U.S. Department of Education:
- For graduate-level students, the order is:
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
- For undergraduate-level students, the order is:
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Direct Parent PLUS
- Pell Grant
The calculation of Title IV funds earned by students has no relationship to their incurred institutional charges. Up through the 60 percent (60%) point in each payment period or period of enrollment, a prorated schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds students have earned at the time of withdrawal.
After the 60 percent (60%) point in the payment period or period of enrollment, students earn 100 percent (100%) of the Title IV funds they are scheduled to receive during the period. For a student who withdraws after the 60 percent (60%) point-in-time, there are no unearned funds. However, an institution must still determine whether that student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement.
Federal refund calculations are independent of NUNM’s tuition refund policies.NOTE: The federal Title IV refund calculations apply to changes in enrollment status and withdrawals from all classes. If a student changes track and there is an adjustment made to the tuition charges, the Financial Aid Office will recalculate the student’s cost of attendance budget to assess aid eligibility.
Federal regulations require that any student who has received a loan while attending NUNM and who leaves for any reason, including official leaves of absence, must participate in loan exit counseling. Loan exit counseling is conducted online at
Federal Work-Study Program
The federal work-study program (FWSP) is a federally subsidized program and is available to students as an additional resource to earn money to help cover educational expenses. Due to the demands of the academic programs, students generally find their schedules limit the amount of time they can work to 20 hours per week or less.
The number of students receiving an award is limited by the program funding received by the university, and is awarded to students as applications are received, until the funding is fully utilized. Students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA form by Feb. 15.
The Financial Aid Office administers the federal work-study program and maintains an online timesheet database. Student employees earn an hourly wage and are paid monthly.
Federal Work-Study Conditions and Limitations
The following are mandated conditions and limitations regarding student employment, and are summarized as follows:
- Federal work-study is governed by any and all applicable federal, state and/or local laws.
- Federal work-study must not displace employees or impair existing service contracts. Replacement is interpreted as displacement.
- Federal work-study employees must be paid for all hours worked. The Fair Labor Standards Act prohibits employers from accepting voluntary services from any person who has been compensated for those worked hours.
- Students receiving, or eligible to receive, federal work-study funds may not receive institutional student employment funds.
To view a list of current work-study opportunities, please visit Search all departments to see all jobs posted for the year. Only eligible federal work-study students currently attending NUNM are eligible to apply for these positions.
Student Employment Program
The student employment program (STEP) operates independently from the federal work-study program. The STEP program is open to international students only. Limited positions exist and students employed by this program are subject to the budgeted funds of the hiring department. Students employed through STEP cannot work under the federal work-study program.
See mandated conditions and limitations regarding student employment under Federal Work-Study Conditions and Limitations.
Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
To continue to receive financial aid, the student must make satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the academic policies, and must be enrolled at least half-time to qualify for federal aid. Financial Aid recipients are subject to both academic and financial aid satisfactory academic progress policies. For more information please refer to the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for your respective degree program:
Students receiving federal financial aid are required to disclose all outside resources received on their behalf to the Financial Aid Office. These resources will be included and calculated as part of their financial aid award packet.
The Financial Aid Office can advise the student about sources of financial aid and budgeting strategies. This office is available as a resource even after the student leaves the college. Alumni may contact the Financial Aid Office for information about confidential counseling on students’ debts and loan repayment, both by phone and e–mail. We want to provide you with clear and concise information about financial aid. This is a brief overview of federal financial aid programs available to eligible students at NUNM.
To be considered an “eligible student,” you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and be enrolled at least half–time at the college. Students who attend NUNM on an F–1 Visa (foreign students) are not eligible to participate in federal student aid programs.
Financial Aid Policy and Drug-Related Convictions
Drug convictions no longer affect federal student aid eligibility. When you complete the FAFSA form, you will be asked whether you had a drug conviction for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid. If the answer is yes, you will be provided a worksheet. Please do answer the questions on the worksheet; however, your answers won’t affect your federal student aid eligibility.