ND-Research Student Published in Nutrition Reviews JournalÂ

NUNM students are truly making their voices heard worldwide!
Finding Your Passion as an ND with Dr. Carrie Baldwin-Sayre

Carrie Baldwin-Sayre, ND ('04), talks about her choice to become a naturopathic doctor.
Naturopathic Medicine at NUNM: The Best of Both Worlds

What makes NUNM stand out amongst the crowd of other naturopathic schools.
4 Natural Medicine Tips for Spring

Support your body through the seasonal transition with spring health tips from naturopathic medicine.
12 Chemicals in Personal Care Products You Should Avoid: The Dirty Dozen

Thousands of products are being sold without FDA approval.
Why I Chose ND & Acupuncture School Instead of MD School

Naturopathic doctors are my tribe. I almost didn’t choose my tribe out of fear.
Black Cohosh to Support Reproductive Health

Common ailments currently treated by black cohosh include menstrual dysfunction, cramping pain in the uterus, labor, menopause, and many others.
Helfgott Institute's Research Papers in JACM

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM) is the leading peer-reviewed journal for scientific research in integrative medicine.